Those who are
looking for natural taste and need to have true taste of baked chicken,
meet the chickens raised on mountain pastures by means of TURKISH HEN.
Lezzeti arayan ve tandır tadında
tavuk yemek isteyen tüketiciler, artık TURKISH HEN köy tavukları ile
Good old natural flavor of hen comes back….
We’re all longing for the flavor of good old
country hens that the smell once delightfully twisted our minds.
Big, charming country hens fed naturally
in open air instead of those bred with artificial bait in poultry factories…
Consumers favoring the taste and wanting to
enjoy the relish of tandoour, now try TURKISH Pasture hens.

Don’t get sad, thinking: “the period of
delicious country hen is long over and here we’re condemned to machine pullets”
For the first time in Turkey, TURKISH HEN
is collecting hens brought up in their natural environment for real in villages
and presenting them to the taste of country hen connoisseurs, living in
big cities.
Hen is healthy food;
but what about those farm chickens we’re eating?
People favour hen more and more all around the
world. Kitchens turned into a chicken’s empire after it was definitely
understood how meat compels our body. Turkey could only consume 3 kg. poultry
per capita yearly on the average in 1990’s, while European Union countries had
annual figures as high as 21 kg. at the same period. This amount rose up to 12
kg. in recent years. Actually, 700-800 thousand tons of farm chicken is
consumed in Turkey each year. As for the consumption of hens brought up in
natural environment, that is, in villages, the most optimistic estimations
cannot go beyond 50 thousand tons roughly per year…
On the other hand, farm chickens are bred only
with artificial foodstuff in warehouses with no daylight at all and in a
literally packed out environment in most poultry production farms instead of
roaming at will in gardens with their funny walk as it is customary in
Why Country Hen ?
Country hen attains a certain weight
with natural feeding methods in 450 days at least -unlike chickens brought up
in farms within 45 days- and by no means they’re butchered earlier.
Country hen is fed with natural foodstuff in a
natural environment during all this period. The grass, grains and other food
are very rich in minerals, protein and vitamins. Consequently, they’re much
more delicious in comparison to poultry (farm chickens) fed with artificial
You can easily understand whether the hen you
bought was fed in natural conditions or with artificial substances. Country hens
fed with natural methods retain a thick fat layer under their skin, as they
walk around in open air. In addition, the solidity of their meat inevitably
requires more time in cooking. The cooking time for farm chickens fed with
artificial substances is very short instead.
Again, the color of the meat of these farm
chickens fed with artificial bait quickly turns white, when boiled. Conversely,
the countless minerals and nutrients that are contained in country hen’s
meat, reflects fast on its color while cooking and congeals the bouillon and
the meat at the same time.
A miracle food, Hen...
► Hen is a source of protein,
minerals and vitamins. It gives strength and energy. Ancient physicians like
Avicenna and Hippocrates would recommend hen as medicine for many illnesses.
Poultry like hen, chicken or turkey are good sources of protein that are very
valuable for human nutrition with their composition.
► An
adult person requires roughly 72 gr. protein on a daily basis for an adequate
and balanced nutrition. The amount of animal protein daily consumed per person
doesn’t surpass 21-22 gr. in our country. This amount should be about 35 gr. to
speak of a healthy, good-quality and balanced nutrition. There is a gap of
animal protein in Turkey. Hen is the nearest prospect food that can play the
leading role so that this gap could be filled up. Because, it contains
nutrition materials in equal values with other sources of animal food. Hen is
high in protein, namely 20.1% while beef and veal hold 19.7% and lamb 17.1%.
This also shows it is good value for money.
The fibers of hen meat are shorter than red meat so it can be digested more
easily. Additionally, its unsaturated fatty acid rate is higher than red meat
so that it ought to be preferred by heart and coronary disease patients.
► It
is low in cholesterol, fat level and calories so that it is preferred by those
wishing to remain fit.
Hen meat contains the necessary amino acids required for developing healthy
tissues as well as B2, B6 and B12 vitamins.
Comparative Nutritional Values
Fat (g)
Protein (g)
Cholesterol (mg)
Hen meat also contains iron that is necessary for the production of blood in
the body and phosphorus that keeps body fluids neutral.
Again, the substance called “Niacin” available in hen meat has cholesterol
reducing effects and it supports effective working of nervous system.

Calcium is another substance found in hen meat and it is vital for the
coagulation of blood and necessary for contraction of heart and muscles as well
as the effective functioning of enzymes and of nervous system. As for the
ascorbic acid available in hen meat, it makes blood veins stronger.
Yet again, zinc that is necessary for the memory and comprehension ability of
the brain is available in hen meat. One portion of hen meat easily meets one
third (1/3) of the daily iron and zinc requirement. Zinc strengthens the immune
system and prevents bone loss in aged persons and it is equally significant for
children at age of development.
Hen meat is rich in potassium that deficiency results in complaints such as
fatigue, constipation and leg cramps. Potassium that is found in meat is very
important for cells, muscles and tissues. As known, cancer risk increases when
one is deficient in potassium.
Selenium that is also present in hen meat is reported to reduce cancer risk.
Whole Hen
Chicken Ground Meat-MDM (Mechanical Deboned Meat)
A mix of meat and skin
Chicken Chest Ground Meat-MDM
Fat Max. 25-26%
Calcium Ca Max =
Contains no skin
Chicken Neck Ground Meat-MDM
Fat Max. 25-26%
Calcium Ca Max
Contains no
Shocked Chicken Skin
Package: Packed,
Shocked and Shrinked
Shocked Turkey Skin
Package: Packed,
Shocked and Shrinked
12 pieces in corrugated box
individually wrapped nylon packing.
10 pieces in corrugated box
individually wrapped nylon/plated packing.
Standard kg (10 kg or 20 kg)
in corrugated and shrinked box
Standard kg (10 kg or 20 kg)
in corrugated and shrinked box
How to Keep
Fresh Layer Hen; best before
5 days in +4C
Frozen Layer Hen Shock
Frozen at-40C
*Best before 1 year in –18C
*Best before 1 month in –12C
Best before 1 week in –6C
Keep in deep freeze. Defrost
before cooking.
Do not refreeze after
Shocked& Packed Under
Hygienic conditions with Veterinarian supervision
► The price label of hen usually
displays its weight as well; this helps when deciding about the cooking way of
The skin of the hen should be light in color and wet. If the skin is soaked,
the chances are that not enough care is shown when the hen is frozen.
The yellow color of hen doesn’t necessarily indicate that it is good quality. A
yellow hen isn’t always a hen fed with corn, it may be fed only with yellow
color bait as well.
The chest meat should be plump. Again, the end of the chest bone of young and
tender chicken is supple.
Young and tender hen are suitable for grill, brazier grill, frying pan or oven.
Generally speaking, a hen is as much delicious as it is big. When growing, fat
builds up right under the skin and at the fleshy tissue as well and this fat
keeps the meat soft when cooked.
However, one should be careful when buying a hen of 2 kg. or more as it may be
old. Such old hens are called “hen for boiling” because their meat is tough.
You can soften big hen by boiling. The bouillon that this simmering brings
forth will make the essential ingredient of a delightful sauce.
Hen may have various sizes. Accordingly, service measures would depend on your
appetite and on other materials used.
Pullets or young cocks are usually below 500 gr. and they are served to one
Hen for frying or grilling are below 1,5 kg and they are suitable for two – for
persons. They may be purchased in whole, in half or by piece.
Hen above 1,5 kg. that you’ll cook in whole ought to be served to four persons
at least.
Preparation and Protection
Never freeze again an uncooked hen once it’s thawed. Don’t freeze hens that are
stuffed. Because the ingredients inside won’t be frozen enough to prevent
bacterial reproduction.
The best way to thaw a hen is to leave it in refrigerator three hours for each
500 gr. You may put the hen into a plastic bag and leave it in a bowl full of
cold water to diminish the time of thawing. Change the water often while the hen gets thawed. In
this manner, you can thaw a big hen between three to five hours.
► A
frozen hen should be cooked within 12 hours after it’s thawed.
Wash your hand both before and after touching an uncooked hen. The chopping
wood, knife, kitchen robot and other kitchen material should be carefully
washed under water before they’re used.
Wrap the uncooked hen in a loose-fitting manner and let it wait in the
refrigerator for two days at most.
Fill the hen loosely or don’t fill at all. This way the heat would reach every
part of the hen easily to kill all the bacteria.
► If
you cook the hen accurately, it’ll be delicious and all its bacteria would die.
The meat should easily run through a twin-tooth fork. Lift the hen a little to
check whether it’s cooked or not; the fluid that pours should be clear.
Don’t cook or heat hen in microwave ovens as some of microwave ovens cannot reach
the temperature required.
Don’t wash the hen before it’s cooked; only clean inside with a wet paper
towel. If the hen is stuffed, take the moist over the skin as much as possible
with a paper towel.
The hen shouldn’t be let more than one hour at room temperature once it’s
cooked. The hen that is loosely packed and put into refrigerator should be
consumed within three days. The hen should be consumed within 24 hours, if it’s
cooked with a heavy sauce or if it’s frozen.
The taste
Knead the hen with lemon juice and leave in refrigerator for
one night before frying, boiling or grilling hen.
Your hen will be much more delicious the day after.
You may alternatively marinate the hen one day earlier to
make it softer and more delightful. To this end, mix an onion finely sliced
with one tablespoon of vinegar, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 1 clove of
garlic beaten, salt, black pepper, rosemary or thyme. You may also add milk or
yogurt instead of vinegar.
It’s more nutritious to boil the hen with rice, potato, tomato
and other seasonal green vegetables. Greenery and vegetables increase the
nutritious value of the plate.
► If
some dill is chopped and added into the hen
bouillon, this soup will be helpful against rheumatism and joint pains in wet
and misty winter days.
For a different taste, add half a slice of orange or lemon with some sage
Brush the skin of the hen with salted water when it’s
about to be cooked so that it looks well-toasted.
► If
you put some fresh herbs such as dill or parsley under the skin of your hen while it’s fried, you can get a delicious result without letting burn
the herbs.
Hen makes a great
fit in your Simple Six Eating Plan. 100 gram serving of white Hen meat has just
three grams of fat-about 19 percent of the total calories- with a third of it
coming from heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. To boot, Hen is a great
source of Vitamin B6 that helps lower homocysteine levels (an
artery-damaging substance in the blood), and a fabulous source of protein-
a staggering 50 percent of the Daily Value in 100 gram serving.
According to several studies, Hen as
part of a low-fat diet aimed at lowering
blood cholesterol levels works wonders. In a recent study, a group of
people ate Hen daily or every other day in moderate amounts (100 gram as a
serving) Blood cholesterol levels fell as expected with a diet low in
fatty foods. Numerous studies show that Hen fits in well with diets designed to
lower high blood pressure. In the now famous DASH study, blood pressure
dropped in participants who ate a low-fat diet packed with fruits and
vegetables which included moderate amounts of Hen.
Select either frozen or fresh Hen
and use within three days if stored in the refrigerator. Hen keeps well frozen
for about six months. Bake, microwave or
grill Hen. While cooked Hen skin may taste great, peel it off before eating to
save on fat. You may even take the skin off before cooking, but this not save
much in the way of fat and the skin does help keep the meat moist during
baking. (Just remember to take the skin off before eating.) Frying Hen in oil
is a no-no as this adds a significant amount of unwanted fat- even if you
removed the fried outer batter and skin layer.
Purchase Hen by “cost
per serving.” Consider how much wastage (bone, fat, gristle) there will be. In
other words, how many edible servings can you get from one kg of Hen you
are considering? Figuring the “cost per serving” will help you to get the most
edible food at the lowest price.
Buy whole Hens rather than cut-up Hens if
cut-up Hens are more expensive per kg.
(They normally are.) Cut them up yourself and save money.
Use Hen (if less expensive per edible serving
than meat) at some meals.
Buy “family packs” of Hen if you can use that
large a quantity and if it is cheaper per kg (which it usually is) than small
packages. For example, a “family pack” containing a dozen Hen breasts
should be cheaper per kg than a package of two breasts.
When you find Hen on sale at very good prices,
buy several packages if the items are within your price range and if you have
sufficient storage space. There should be little need to ever pay full price
for these foods.
“Extend” or “stretch” Hen by using in
casseroles, stews, soups, and other dishes. By making these items go a little
further, you can cut back some on the purchases of them, which will save you
money. These items are usually more expensive than vegetables, spaghetti, and
most other foods you would normally use in casseroles, etc.
Put very small amounts of leifiover cooked
vegetables, meat, Hen, and fish together in a container in the freezer.
When you have accumulated enough food, make a soup, stew, or casserole. Saving
even tiny bits of leifiovers is making use of every penny’s worth of your food.
Save leftover vegetable, meat, and Hen juices
for possible later use. Refrigerate or freeze the juices, depending on how soon
you plan to use them. Using these juices could save you money on your grocery
bills. For example, saving Hen broth could save you the expense of
buying canned broth.
When you have guests for meals at your home, stick to
less expensive menus, for example, green beans rather than asparagus, a lettuce
and tomato salad rather than a salad with mushrooms and avocados, a Hen
casserole rather than T-bones, and an inexpensive dessert.
HEN started to process country hen back in 2003. TURKISH
HEN that initiated something that was unknown before in the sector, today
has a butchering capacity of 100.000 units per day.
hen butchering is carried out at the latest technology TURKISH HEN facilities,
located in TURKEY. Our purpose is to introduce a new traditional taste that long remained only in
memories to our people and also to export this valuable product to world
markets providing foreign currency entry into the country.
HEN is therefore the first and only company that
carried out frozen country hen export from our country.
our products reach every single corner of the world.
standards, our understanding of quality and service together with our approach
that aims one hundred percent customer satisfaction takes us always further in
world markets.
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